Journal of Nano chemistry and Electrochemistry

Quarterly Journal of Nano chemistry and Electrochemistry has been published with franchise of Islamic Azad University of Marvdasht Branch on 29/11/1398 during the license No. 73/77457 / ص / 1398 from the Vice Chancellor for Science, Engineering and Agriculture of Islamic Azad University.

Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this publication is subject to the rules of the Ethics Committee for Publication (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.

All accepted articles in this quarterly journal will be reviewed through plagiarism checker software before the acceptance and publication process.

Journal of Nano-chemistry and Electrochemistry welcomes receiving scientific-research articles that include new scientific and research achievements in all fields of Nano chemistry and nanotechnology, including the synthesis and application of nanomaterials as catalysts, adsorbents, drug carriers, Nano sensors, Nano toxins, and etc. These subjects can be utilized in all fields of chemistry, pharmacy, chemical engineering, medical, chemical industry and environment and electrochemistry in all branches of chemistry or other specialized fields close to and related to the subject of the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 1, Issue 4, July 2022 

Publication Information

Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch

Editor-in-Chief Director-in-Charge Scientific & Executive Manager Manager
Print ISSN
Online ISSN