Keyword Index


  • Adsorption The use of high concentration of zinc acetate solution for synthesis of Al2O3-ZnO nanocomposite and it,s application for dye removal [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 37-48]
  • Al2O3-ZnO The use of high concentration of zinc acetate solution for synthesis of Al2O3-ZnO nanocomposite and it,s application for dye removal [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 37-48]
  • Amphiphilic Polymer experimental investigation of polymer flooding in carbonate oil reservoir [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 40-45]
  • Antibacterial Structural and Biological properties of Hydroxyapatite scaffold coated with poly (Lactic-co-glycolic) containing Ag doped CuO [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 26-36]


  • Bone tissue Structural and Biological properties of Hydroxyapatite scaffold coated with poly (Lactic-co-glycolic) containing Ag doped CuO [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 26-36]


  • CaCO3 High purity calcium carbonate production from FGD gypsum [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 49-55]
  • Calcium Separation, preconcentration and selective measurement of calcium ions by solid phase extraction and ionic imprinted polymers [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 56-63]
  • Chemical damage Formation Damage During Drilling and Completion Practices: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-7]
  • CO2 sequestration High purity calcium carbonate production from FGD gypsum [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 49-55]
  • CuO Structural and Biological properties of Hydroxyapatite scaffold coated with poly (Lactic-co-glycolic) containing Ag doped CuO [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 26-36]
  • Cysteine Magnetite-TiO2@Cysteine as a new Nano photocatalyst in the removal of Methylene blue from wastewater [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-25]


  • Enhanced oil recovery Experimental investigation of the changes of contact angle during smart water flooding [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2021]
  • Enhanced oil recovery experimental investigation of polymer flooding in carbonate oil reservoir [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 40-45]


  • FGD Gypsum High purity calcium carbonate production from FGD gypsum [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 49-55]
  • Formation damage Formation Damage During Drilling and Completion Practices: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-7]


  • High purity High purity calcium carbonate production from FGD gypsum [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 49-55]
  • Hydroxy apatite Structural and Biological properties of Hydroxyapatite scaffold coated with poly (Lactic-co-glycolic) containing Ag doped CuO [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 26-36]


  • IFT Effect of smart water flooding for enhanced oil recovery in carbonate reservoirs [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 17-23]
  • Ionic imprintes polymer Separation, preconcentration and selective measurement of calcium ions by solid phase extraction and ionic imprinted polymers [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 56-63]


  • Lithium ion battery Comparison of the surfaces of copper and aluminum sheets in lithium ion batteries before and after using nano sponge [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2021, Pages 1-4]


  • MCM-41-SO3H Water as a green solvent for fast and efficient synthesis of 1,5-benzodiazepines at room temperature by using Water-Tolerant Sulfonic Acid Nanoreactor Based on Tunable Ordered Porous Silica [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-7]
  • Mechanical damage Formation Damage During Drilling and Completion Practices: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-7]
  • Mersberg process High purity calcium carbonate production from FGD gypsum [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 49-55]
  • Methylene Blue Magnetite-TiO2@Cysteine as a new Nano photocatalyst in the removal of Methylene blue from wastewater [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-25]
  • Micromodel experimental investigation of polymer flooding in carbonate oil reservoir [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 40-45]
  • Modified Magnetic Nanophotocatalyst Magnetite-TiO2@Cysteine as a new Nano photocatalyst in the removal of Methylene blue from wastewater [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 11-25]


  • Nanocomposites The use of high concentration of zinc acetate solution for synthesis of Al2O3-ZnO nanocomposite and it,s application for dye removal [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 37-48]


  • Permeability Formation Damage During Drilling and Completion Practices: A Review [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-7]
  • Polymer Flooding experimental investigation of polymer flooding in carbonate oil reservoir [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 40-45]


  • Smart water Experimental investigation of the changes of contact angle during smart water flooding [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2021]
  • Smart water Effect of smart water flooding for enhanced oil recovery in carbonate reservoirs [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 17-23]
  • Solid phase extraction Separation, preconcentration and selective measurement of calcium ions by solid phase extraction and ionic imprinted polymers [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2021, Pages 56-63]


  • Viscosity experimental investigation of polymer flooding in carbonate oil reservoir [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 40-45]


  • ZrOCl2.8H2O on Montmorillonite K10 Water as a green solvent for fast and efficient synthesis of 1,5-benzodiazepines at room temperature by using Water-Tolerant Sulfonic Acid Nanoreactor Based on Tunable Ordered Porous Silica [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2021, Pages 1-7]